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Hippotherapy now offered!

Hippotherapy now offered!

Hippotherapy is a form of treatment that incorporates the movements of a horse to target speech and language, occupational therapy and physical therapy goals.

Traditional Speech-Language treatment combined with hippotherapy can be used to target many different goals with many different clients.

Hippotherapy can be an effective treatment strategy for children and adults with:

  • Articulation and Phonology delays and disorders
  • Apraxia of Speech
  • Receptive and Expressive language delays and disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Auditory Processing Disorders
  • Voice disorders
  • Communication difficulty resulting from a stroke or traumatic brain injury


The movement of the horse facilitates an optimal treatment condition by providing organizing sensory input. This movement can be manipulated by the therapist to meet each client’s needs.

Hippotherapy is different from traditional riding lessons and therapeutic riding

In hippotherapy clients are lead around the arena, may or may not use a saddle and are there to target speech and language goals, not learn how to ride a horse.

Speech and Language Works is excited to offer this unique treatment strategy to our clients!

For more information to see if hippotherapy is right for you – Please contact Kristin Kelly

403-580- 3804
